Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Treats Only

From sister Sandy the best Paint Horse photos!
I started painting using photos more and more. Thank goodness I have many camera lovers to keep me supplied.

 I'm a lot better with paint then I am with a camera. The blurry black thing is our dog Vader.

Many of my T-shirt designs in the Cafepress store Hoof And Paw Impressions, start out as Photos from friends and family. Below is my latest design featuring our White German Shepherd, Yuki.


My daughter Kate is a never ending suppler of dog pictures. She never worries about composition or proper lighting. She just has fun with her cameras and pets. I often raid her files and beg her for the pics I like.
 And tons of photos from my best friend Chuck.
Wet Feet For Chuck         
 After shopping on the boardwalk we just wanted to walk on the beach before heading home. Just when he wasn't watching a sneaky wave came in and soaked him. I turned around and snapped this with my Flip camcorder.


Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Right in our back yard.



My Painting Progress

I thought I would start showing what I'm up to, as far as painting go. Just learning digital art so any helpful comments are welcome.

Sky King

Sky King is a Dutch Warmblood and Arab cross. A special thanks to Clare, his owner who was kind enough to let me paint from her photos.
I used paint programs Twisted Brush and PhotoShop. The beautiful sunset came from one of my friend, C. Ferrara's photos from his resent trip to Florida.